Meet Kathleen

I want to take a moment to introduce myself. I am Kathleen; the proprietor of Honey’s Bait.

My fiancé, Joshua, rekindled my love for fishing over three years ago and encouraged me every step of the way of starting this business. To say it has been a learning curve is an understatement. I have spent countless hours researching different types of worms and building my small worm farm. When it came to bait, I thought it was extremely important to provide worms in a container that was compostable. After loads more research, I found a container that is composable in backyards settings (this means it can breakdown anywhere!). Plastic worm container lids are one of the most found pieces of litter in our local lakes and I am confident that we are able to lessen that with the containers we use.

I am grateful for the opportunities and relationships this little project has given me and the passion project it has become! Thanks for following!


Our first fishing pack trip at Santa Margarita Lake