Breaking down my Talley Farm box

I am a huge fan of the Talley Farm Fresh Harvest boxes and have been getting the boxes on and off for about five years now. I have always aspired to have a green thumb but I have just not been able to be successful other than a squash plant from time to time. I also really appreciate the concept of eating more seasonally and you really don’t get any more variety than we do on the central coast!

We are a household of two and I get a fresh harvest box every other week. I have found that if I take about 20 minutes to go through my box and process everything properly, everything stays really fresh and I end up using almost all of it. Talley made a great change recently moving from plastic bags to unbleached newsprint in their boxes. Now, when I break down my produce, I can throw all of the scraps AND the newsprint in my composting bins. The food scraps count as “green material” and produce nitrogen while the news paper counts as “brown material” which produces carbon. Both are needed for a healthy vermicomposting bin.

Picture caption: Top image is of all the great produce that came in my weekly farm box. The bottom picture is the food scraps that I was able to compost.


Our first fishing pack trip at Santa Margarita Lake